Games Owned in BGG's Top 100

10 games
Name Rating BGG Rank Plays Players Duration
Scythe 0 17 4 1-5 1:55
Arkham Horror: The Card Game 8 26 11 1-4 2:00
Mage Knight Board Game 0 34 4 1-4 2:30
Puerto Rico 8 44 5 2-5 1:30
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition 10 57 15 1-5 3:00
Power Grid 9 62 9 2-6 2:00
Race for the Galaxy 9 78 14 2-4 1:00
Eclipse 0 80 2 2-6 2:00
Lords of Waterdeep 0 87 5 2-5 1:00
7 Wonders 7 92 7 2-7 0:30