October (Halloween) Games

Often I find myself in the mood for a Halloweenish game. This list comprises those games that fit the bill for me.
11 games
Name Rating Plays Players Duration
A Touch of Evil, The Supernatural Game 8.5 7 2-8 1:30
Arkham Horror 9 8 1-8 3:00
Arkham Horror: The Card Game 8 11 1-4 2:00
Betrayal at House on the Hill 10 20 3-6 1:30
Elder Sign 0 2 1-8 2:00
Eldritch Horror 8 6 1-8 3:00
Last Night on Earth: The Zombie Game 8.5 9 2-6 1:30
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition 10 15 1-5 3:00
Spookies 6 11 2-5 0:30
Spooks 6.7 13 3-6 0:10
The Haunting House 6 8 2-6 0:45